The jewels of the Apparitions of la rue du Bac 

Marian Apparitions in France. Lourdes, La Salette, Pontmain, Laus, Rue du Bac
Marian Apparitions in France. Lourdes, La Salette, Pontmain, Laus, Rue du Bac

The apparitions at Rue du Bac, in Paris, are among the most significant Marian apparitions in the Catholic Church, and they are intimately connected with the Miraculous Medal. These apparitions occurred in 1830, when the Virgin Mary appeared to a young nun, Saint Catherine Labouré, at the convent of the Daughters of Charity.

The Vision of Mary with Rings

During one of these apparitions, Saint Catherine saw the Virgin Mary standing on a globe, crushing the head of a serpent with her foot. Mary was adorned with a long veil and a robe, and on her fingers, she wore rings set with precious stones. The rings emitted rays of light, some of which were brighter and more intense than others. However, not all the rings emitted rays—some were dark, with no light coming from them.

Saint Catherine asked Mary about the meaning of the rays, and Mary responded:

These rays symbolize the graces I shed upon those who ask for them. The gems from which rays do not fall are the graces for which souls forget to ask.

Explanation and Significance

The vision of Mary with rings on each finger, some shining with rays of light and others dark, is rich in symbolism. Here’s a breakdown of its meaning:

  1. Rings and Precious Stones:
    • The rings on Mary’s fingers, each set with a precious stone, symbolize the graces and blessings that she is ready to bestow upon humanity. Each ring and stone represents a specific grace or favor that God wishes to give through Mary’s intercession.
  2. Rays of Light:
    • The rays of light emanating from the stones signify the graces that are being actively bestowed upon those who seek them. The varying brightness of the rays could symbolize the different intensities and types of graces available—some more prominent or urgent than others.
  3. Dark Stones:
    • The dark stones, from which no rays of light are emitted, represent the graces that are available but go unasked for. Mary laments that many people do not ask for these graces, meaning they go unreceived simply because no one has requested them. This reflects the idea that God is generous with His gifts, but He respects human freedom and desires us to actively seek His help.
  4. Mary as Mediatrix of Graces:
    • The vision reinforces the Catholic teaching of Mary as the “Mediatrix of All Graces,” a title that acknowledges her unique role in dispensing God’s graces to the world. Mary is seen not as the source of grace but as a channel through which God’s grace flows to humanity. The vision invites believers to turn to Mary in prayer, asking her to intercede for them and obtain the graces they need.

The Miraculous Medal

Following these apparitions, Saint Catherine Labouré was instructed by Mary to have a medal struck based on this vision. This medal, known as the Miraculous Medal, depicts Mary standing on a globe with her foot on the serpent, surrounded by the words, “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” On the reverse side of the medal, there is a large letter “M” surmounted by a cross, with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary below.

The Miraculous Medal became an instrument of great devotion and has been associated with many miracles and conversions, emphasizing Mary’s role as an intercessor and the power of invoking her assistance.

Spiritual Reflection

The vision of Mary with the rings and the rays of light serves as a profound reminder of the importance of prayer and seeking God’s grace through Mary. It encourages believers to be persistent in asking for divine help and to trust in Mary’s powerful intercession. The fact that some graces go unasked for challenges us to be more aware of our spiritual needs and more active in our prayer life, always turning to Mary with confidence.

This vision and the devotion to the Miraculous Medal continue to inspire and deepen the faith of millions around the world, reinforcing the message that God’s grace is abundant and available to all who seek it through Mary.

The grace of the twelve gems stones 

Applying the symbolism and properties of the twelve gemstones to the vision of Mary at Rue du Bac, we can imagine how each gemstone might correspond to specific graces that Mary, as the Mediatrix of All Graces, offers to those who seek them.

Here’s how each gemstone could represent a particular grace:

The Jasper gemstone, showcasing its rich reddish-brown color and polished appearance.

1. Jasper (Strength, Courage, Protection)

  • Grace Represented: The grace of fortitude. This grace gives strength and courage to face challenges and trials with faith and trust in God.
The Sapphire gemstone, highlighting its deep blue color and brilliance.

2. Sapphire (Purity, Wisdom, Divine Favor)

  • Grace Represented: The grace of purity of heart and divine wisdom. This grace helps believers to live a life of purity, free from sin, and to make wise decisions aligned with God’s will.
The Chalcedony gemstone, showcasing its bluish-white color and smooth, milky appearance.

3. Chalcedony (Nurturing, Brotherhood, Goodwill)

  • Grace Represented: The grace of charity and community. This grace fosters love, compassion, and unity within the Christian community, encouraging believers to support and nurture one another.
The Emerald gemstone, showcasing its vibrant green color and faceted brilliance.

4. Emerald (Rebirth, Renewal, Eternal Life)

  • Grace Represented: The grace of spiritual renewal and conversion. This grace leads to a deepening of faith, a return to God, and the hope of eternal life.
The Sardonyx gemstone, highlighting its distinctive brown and white bands.

5. Sardonyx (Strength, Protection, Grounding)

  • Grace Represented: The grace of spiritual protection and stability. This grace offers protection against spiritual dangers and provides a firm foundation in the faith.
The Carnelian gemstone, showcasing its deep reddish-brown color and polished surface.

6. Carnelian (Vitality, Courage, Blood of Martyrs)

  • Grace Represented: The grace of zeal and fervor for the faith. This grace inspires passionate love for God, the courage to witness to the faith, and the strength to endure suffering for Christ.
The Chrysolite (Peridot) gemstone, highlighting its vibrant olive green color.

7. Chrysolite (Peridot) (Light, Beauty, Clarity)

  • Grace Represented: The grace of illumination and understanding. This grace enlightens the mind, allowing believers to perceive God’s truth and beauty more clearly.
The Beryl gemstone, highlighting its gentle light blue-green color.

8. Beryl (Protection, Guidance, Clarity of Vision)

  • Grace Represented: The grace of spiritual guidance and discernment. This grace helps believers to navigate life’s journey with clear vision, following God’s guidance.
The Topaz gemstone, showcasing its yellowish-brown color and faceted brilliance.

9. Topaz (Divine Favor, Strength, Wisdom)

  • Grace Represented: The grace of divine favor and wisdom in trials. This grace strengthens the believer’s resolve during difficult times and grants the wisdom needed to understand and accept God’s plan.
The Chrysoprase gemstone, showcasing its vibrant apple-green color.

10. Chrysoprase (Joy, Happiness, Divine Love)

  • Grace Represented: The grace of joy and divine love. This grace fills the heart with the joy that comes from knowing and experiencing God’s love, even amidst life’s challenges.
The Jacinth (Hyacinth) gemstone, showcasing its fiery orange color and brilliance.

11. Jacinth (Hyacinth) (Spiritual Insight, Transformation, Fire of the Holy Spirit)

  • Grace Represented: The grace of spiritual transformation and the Holy Spirit’s fire. This grace purifies, transforms, and sets the soul ablaze with the love of God and zeal for His kingdom.
The Amethyst gemstone, showcasing its deep purple color and faceted brilliance.

12. Amethyst (Piety, Humility, Spiritual Wisdom)

  • Grace Represented: The grace of humility and deep spiritual wisdom. This grace helps believers to grow in piety, recognizing their dependence on God and seeking His wisdom in all things.

Applying the Vision

In the context of the vision of Mary at Rue du Bac, these twelve graces could correspond to the rays of light emitted from the precious stones in Mary’s rings. Each grace is a gift that Mary offers to those who ask for it. The stones that emit no light could symbolize the graces that remain untapped, waiting for the faithful to seek them through prayer.

By meditating on these stones and their corresponding graces, believers can deepen their devotion to Mary and more intentionally seek the spiritual gifts they need to grow in holiness and live out their faith. Just as each gemstone has its unique beauty and properties, each grace has its distinct role in the spiritual life, contributing to the overall growth and sanctification of the soul.

Here is a prayer that invokes the graces represented by each of the twelve gemstones, envisioning them as a spiritual jewel setting that adorns the soul with the beauty of God’s gifts:

Prayer for the Twelve Graces of the Spiritual Jewel

Heavenly Father,
Creator of all that is beautiful and good,
we come before You, seeking to be adorned
with the spiritual jewels that reflect Your divine glory.
Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
our Mother and Mediatrix of all graces,
we humbly ask for these precious graces
to be set upon our souls as a crown of holiness.

O Lord, adorn our souls with the grace of fortitude.
Grant us the strength and courage
to stand firm in our faith amidst all trials and temptations,
that we may remain steadfast in Your love.

Clothe us with the grace of purity of heart and divine wisdom.
Purify our intentions,
and grant us the wisdom to discern Your will in all things,
leading us ever closer to Your truth.

Bestow upon us the grace of charity and community.
Fill our hearts with love and compassion for our brothers and sisters,
that we may nurture and support one another
in the bonds of Christian fellowship.

Renew us with the grace of spiritual renewal and conversion.
Transform our hearts, O Lord,
leading us to a deeper conversion and a renewed commitment
to live according to Your Gospel.

Shield us with the grace of spiritual protection and stability.
Anchor our souls in Your truth,
and protect us from the snares of the evil one,
keeping us grounded in the faith.

Enkindle in us the grace of zeal and fervor for the faith.
Set our hearts ablaze with love for You,
and grant us the courage to boldly proclaim Your name,
even in the face of adversity.

Chrysolite (Peridot)
Illuminate our minds with the grace of understanding.
Let Your light shine within us,
revealing the beauty of Your truth and guiding us
in the path of righteousness.

Guide us with the grace of spiritual discernment.
Help us to see clearly the way You have set before us,
and grant us the wisdom to follow Your divine guidance
with confidence and trust.

Strengthen us with the grace of divine favor and wisdom in trials.
In moments of hardship, grant us Your strength,
and the wisdom to embrace Your will,
knowing that Your plans for us are always good.

Fill us with the grace of joy and divine love.
Let the joy of Your presence overflow in our hearts,
that we may radiate Your love to all we meet,
bringing Your peace and happiness to the world.

Jacinth (Hyacinth)
Transform us with the grace of spiritual insight
and the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Purify us, O Lord, and set our souls on fire
with a burning love for You, that we may be fervent witnesses
to the power of Your Spirit.

Clothe us in the grace of humility and spiritual wisdom.
Teach us to walk humbly before You,
acknowledging our dependence on Your grace,
and seeking always the wisdom that comes from above.

O Blessed Mother,
our most gracious advocate,
intercede for us, that we may be adorned with these heavenly graces,
reflecting the beauty of holiness in our lives.
May we be a spiritual jewel in the crown of Christ,
radiating His light to a world in need.

We ask this through Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


This prayer is designed to help you meditate on the spiritual significance of each gemstone and to ask for the corresponding grace that each stone symbolizes. By envisioning these graces as part of a beautiful spiritual jewel setting, the prayer invites you to contemplate how God adorns the soul with His gifts, making it a precious reflection of His glory.

Amen! 🙏 

It’s truly a blessing to reflect on these beautiful graces that God, through the intercession of Our Lady, desires to bestow upon us. May your soul continue to shine brightly with these spiritual jewels, reflecting His glory in all that you do. If you ever wish to explore more, meditate, or pray together, I’m here to accompany you on your journey. God bless you! 🌟

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  1. Erica Golding

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