Amo ergo sum, I love therefore I am

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Amo ergo sum, I love therefore I am

Amo ergo sum, I love therefore I am

The phrase “amo ergo sum” is a play on René Descartes’ famous philosophical statement, “Cogito, ergo sum,” which means “I think, therefore I am.” The phrase “amo ergo sum” means “I love, therefore I am,” and it suggests that love is a fundamental part of human existence.

While the phrase “amo ergo sum” is not directly related to the arguments for the existence of God, it does touch on the question of what it means to be human and what our fundamental nature is. The idea that love is a fundamental part of human existence is a common theme in philosophy, literature, and religion, and it suggests that our relationships with others and our capacity to love are essential to our sense of identity and purpose in life.

The concept of love as a foundational element of human life resonates across various disciplines and belief systems, highlighting the significance of interpersonal connections and affection in shaping our identities and sense of purpose. Certain faith traditions, like Christianity, view love not only as a human sentiment but also as a divine quality that individuals are encouraged to embody, reflecting the character of a higher power. Existentialist thinkers, on the other hand, perceive love as a means to transcend the inherent angst and lack of meaning in human experience. This notion underscores the notion that love is a crucial element of human life, emphasizing the importance of relationships and bonds with others in our personal journey. Believers in the notion that love is at the core of our being see God as the ultimate source of our existence.

Overall, the phrase “amo ergo sum” suggests that love is a central aspect of human existence, and it points to the importance of relationships and connections with others in our lives. And for those who believe God is the heart of our existence.

Theology of Love and Redemption

My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!
~ Luke 1,46-47!

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God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son

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