9 days before Christmas

9 days of prayer before christmas. A great novene, invocation, imploration for mercy and help.
Praying hands by Dürer

9 days before Christmas

The great christmas novena
Starts 9 days before christmas
As a grand invocation

And it begins on december the 16th

‘Divine little child
And yet omnipotent
And mercyful God

The wonder of your Birth
Adresses all menkind
The shepherds and the Wise men

And those who responded to your call
Found the Prince of Peace
The Redeemer of menkind
And Son of God

Show us
Your goodness
Your almighty power

Enlighten our mind
Strenghten our will
Open our heart

To search and find You
To love and serve You
In this life

Unto your eternal kingdom

Help me:
(State your intention here)

I humbly ask with your mother
All the angels
And numerous saints

Thank you ‘

The great christmas novena

The Great Christmas Novena, also known as the Novena to the Infant Jesus, is a series of prayers traditionally said in the nine days leading up to Christmas. The word novena comes from the Latin novem, meaning nine, and it refers to a devotion that lasts for nine consecutive days. The origins of this novena can be traced back to various Christian traditions, with its practice becoming more widespread in the 19th century.

Origins and Significance

Historical Background: While novenas themselves have been practiced since the early Church, the specific Great Christmas Novena gained popularity in the context of preparing for the celebration of Christ’s birth. It emphasizes anticipation and spiritual readiness.

Purpose: The novena serves as a way for the faithful to reflect on the significance of the Incarnation, praying for personal intentions, and fostering a sense of community among participants.

Timing: Often, the novena begins on December 16 and runs through December 24, culminating on Christmas Eve. This aligns with various cultural and liturgical practices that build up to the celebration of Christmas.

Prayers and Practices: The novena usually includes specific prayers, meditations, and sometimes the use of Advent wreaths or other devotional items. Many churches offer communal prayers, or individuals may pray privately or with family.

Cultural Variations: The practice of the Christmas novena can vary by region, with different prayers or customs incorporated based on local traditions.


The Great Christmas Novena is a meaningful way for Christians to prepare spiritually for Christmas, encouraging reflection on the themes of hope, anticipation, and the joy of Christ’s arrival. It acts as a spiritual bridge to the celebration of Christmas, deepening the connection between the faithful and the profound mystery of the Incarnation.

Daily Invocations for the great Christmas Novena

The specific intentions for each day of the Great Christmas Novena can vary depending on different traditions or specific novenas being used. However, a common structure involves focusing on particular themes or intentions over the nine days leading up to Christmas. Here is a general outline of daily intentions often used in the Great Christmas Novena:

Daily Intentions for the Great Christmas Novena

Day 1: Grace and Preparation

  • Intention: Pray for a heart open to receiving the grace of God and for preparation for Christ’s coming.

Day 2: Faith and Trust

  • Intention: Ask for an increase in faith and trust in God’s plan, especially during challenging times.

Day 3: Peace and Unity

  • Intention: Pray for peace in our hearts, homes, and the world, and for unity among families and communities.

Day 4: Joy and Gratitude

  • Intention: Reflect on the joy of the season and express gratitude for blessings received.

Day 5: Families and Relationships

  • Intention: Pray for families, healing in relationships, and for the love of Christ to reign in homes.

Day 6: The Poor and Vulnerable

  • Intention: Remember the marginalized, the poor, and those in need, asking for compassion and support for them.

Day 7: Hope and Light

  • Intention: Seek hope in the darkness and pray for the light of Christ to guide those who are struggling.

Day 8: The Church and Community

  • Intention: Pray for the Church, its leaders, and for a spirit of service and outreach within the community.

Day 9: The Second Coming

  • Intention: Reflect on the promise of Christ’s Second Coming and pray for readiness in our hearts and lives.


While these intentions can serve as a guideline, individuals may adapt them based on personal or communal needs. The essence of the novena is to deepen one’s relationship with God and prepare spiritually for the celebration of Christmas. Each day typically includes specific prayers, meditations, and sometimes scripture readings that align with these intentions.



O come Emmmanuel, by Selah

Let us unite in prayers in this Holy Novena!

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