Let nothing disturb youl

Let nothing disturb you

Let nothing disturb you
Let nothing scare you
All things come to pass
God does not

Patience obtains all

Those who cling to God
Never want!

Only God
And that’s it

A poem
Written by Teresa of Avila
A Spanish carmelite
Who reformed her order

Her reform spread
As a fire
Of love
And devotion

Bringing back
The souls
Of many
To the love of God
And church


The poem: Nada te turbe


The interior castle or the mansions

Shop tip

Carmelite gifts , with boxes, scapulars, books, rosaries and jewels inspired by the spirituality of the carmelite order

Let us turn inwards through the gate of prayer

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  1. Sophie
    • Marayam
  2. rob
    • Marayam

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