All Souls’ Day
All souls’ day
A day of remembrance
Of all our deceased
A day of prayers
For the souls in purgatory
A prayer for the dead
A prayer for the sinners
A prayer for all souls
Lord by Thy agony
Have mercy
All souls day in christian traditions
Prayer for the souls in purgatory
Prayer for the Dead By Saint Ignatius of Antioch
Receive in tranquility and peace, O Lord,
the souls of your servants
who have departed this present life to come to you.
Grant them rest and place them in the habitations of light,
the abodes of blessed spirits.
Give them the life that will not age,
good things that will not pass away,
delights that have no end,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer from the Liturgy of Saint James
Remember, O Lord,
the God of Spirits and of all Flesh,
those whom we have remembered
and those whom we have not remembered,
men of the true faith,
from righteous Abel unto to-day;
do thou thyself give them rest there
in the land of the living, in thy kingdom,
in the delight of Paradise,
in the bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, our holy fathers,
from whence pain and sorrow and sighing have fled away,
where the light of thy countenance visited them
and always shined upon them.
Flowering the graves
In many countries, the graves are cleaned and flowered in remembrance of the deceased. A feast for the eyes. And when visiting the cemetery, people say a prayer or leave a burning candle.
In our modern societies, age, illness and dead have become a new tabu. A terrible sin of pride. For we all end there: in the grave.
With the years the graves around me are growing…
a strange feeling… of gratitude and homesickness
Gratitude for all what was
Homesickness for all that is no more…
Love you
All my dear ones gone…
Thanks for sharing your article. It is an inspiration. We, too, follow the same tradition on All Souls Day in my country by visiting the graves of the loved ones and leaving flowers and candles. I have no questions, just wanted to say I like your site and please, keep up the good work.
Thank you Ivan. Have a blessed day!
Hello Maria, I must say that this article is very inspirational, honestly, I like it. Here where I live we also visit the graves of our ancestors and pray for them. I think that it is very important although there are countries who don’t practice that. I will visit your site more often, it really calms the soul and mind.
Peace upon you. Stay blessed!
Just finished All Souls Day celebration where I am from. Last Sunday, we visited 4 cemeteries to clean and prepare all the graves for the day. I was a little late getting the flowers so it was a rather hectic time beating the crowds and standing in long lines. Then, today we traveled back to the cemeteries to place the flowers. Whew! I am so happy that it is done.
It is a beautiful tradition and custom but I am concerned that the younger generation will not continue in the same fashion.
yes…If we loose the sense of time and the endlessness of all things, life becomes a virtual place with no grounding.
Grounding is the true meaning of humility.
With our two feet in the ground where we are planted… A seed growing into a beautiful tree…
Now all is considered waste… the dead included… and it is a terrible sin that bares no fruits, only destruction and desolation… turning our beautiful earth into a bare planet if we take not care…
The handwriting is on the wall already: Mene mene tekel upharsin… Gods judgement over evil.
As we sow, so we reap.
Have a blessed day…