Das Leben der heiligen Jungfrau Maria

Das Leben der heiligen Jungfrau Maria reveals the visions of Anna Catharina Emmerich about mother Mary and Jesus.
Celsus Library in Ephesus

Das Leben der heiligen Jungfrau Maria

Das Leben der heiligen Jungfrau Maria
A book written by
Clemens Brentano
In response to the request of
Bernard Overberg
The spiritual director of
Anna Catharina Emmerich

She was a mystic and visionair
And also a stigmata

The crucifixion by
Mel Gibson
Was inspired by her visions
Of the passion of
Jesus Christ

And on her directions
The house of Mary
Known as
The house of Ephesus
Was discovered

Her visions also related
The life of Mary
And were written down by
Clemens Brentano
In his book
Das Leben der heiligen Jungfrau Maria (1852)

A mother goes to her son

a video


The house of Mary

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Anna Catharina Emmerich

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