Our Lady of Kibeho

Our Lady of Kibeho. Her apparitions in Rwanda, Africa Between 1981-1989
Our Lady of Kibeho. Her apparitions in Rwanda, Africa Between 1981-1989

Her apparitions in Rwanda, Africa

Say the rosary from your heart, come back to God, be sincere

Three witnesses
Alphonsine Mumureke
Nathalie Mukamazimpaka
and Marie Claire Mukangango

Our Lady appeared in 1981 in a school
a high school
one of the poorest schools
in Rwanda

“You must begin your prayers by offering God all that you conceal in your soul.  God sees your every action and knows your every thought.  You can hide nothing from Him.  Hold back nothing.  Admit all your bad deeds and thoughts.  Then you must ask for God’s forgiveness from the bottom of your heart.  Then your sins will not distract you from praying sincerely. … Then pray to forgive all of those who have trespassed against you. … Pray for the spiritual and physical welfare of your relatives. … You must ask God for strength to do His will.  Pray for courage and wisdom to stay on the right path.”

The number one message of Our Lady
is service
Serve one another
Go out , Help other people

I am the mother of the Word

Thousands attended
the public apparitions of mother Mary
Amazed at the celestial displays
accompaning the visits of the Virgin Mary.

“There, far above our heads, was an image of Jesus on the cross with the Blessed Mother standing below him with her head bowed in grief.  When I checked to see if others were witnessing the same scene, I saw 15,000 people dropping to their knees, many making the sign of the cross as they looked to the sky through tears of love.”

Return to the sacraments
Eucharist, and confession

All of you young people, when you are young, you think that you can do anything; be careful not to fall and damage yourself for good.  All of you leaders, who have the capacity to represent many people, don’t kill, but save; don’t be greedy, but share with others, and don’t attempt to hurt those who are trying to expose your wrongdoings.  I tell you, anyone you want to hurt, because they love people and are defending human rights, because they are defending the cause of the poor and the simple, because they are defending anything good and trying to love God, I tell you, whatever you do will be in vain.

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Prayer to Our Lady of Kibeho 

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Word, Mother of all those who believe in Him and who welcome Him into their lives, we are here before you to contemplate you.  We believe that you are amongst us, like a mother in the midst of her children, even though we do not see you with our bodily eyes. 

We bless you, the sure way that leads us to Jesus the Savior, for all the favors which you endlessly pour out upon us, especially that, in your meekness, you were gracious enough to appear miraculously in Kibeho, just when our world needed it most. 

Grant us always the light and strength necessary to accept, will all seriousness, your call to us to be converted, to repent, and to live according to your Son’s Gospel. Teach us how to pray with sincerity, and to love one another as He loved us, so that, just as you have requested, we may always be beautiful flowers diffusing their pleasant fragrance everywhere and upon everyone. 

Holy Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows, teach us to understand the value of the cross in our lives, so that whatever is still lacking to the sufferings of Christ we may fill up in our own bodies for His mystical Body, which is the Church. 

And, when our pilgrimage on this earth comes to an end, may we live eternally with you in the kingdom of Heaven. Amen. 

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More readings

“Our Lady of Kibeho” KIBEHO, RWANDA  (1981-1989)

The seven sorrows rosary

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