For future mothers

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

For future mothers

A mother

Just one month to go

A happy expectation
For a new born baby

A Count down

For the mother
For the child

What is the meaning of advent

The term advent generally refers to the arrival or beginning of something significant. In a specific context, it often relates to the Christian liturgical season of Advent, which is the period of four weeks leading up to Christmas. During this time, Christians prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Advent typically begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and involves various traditions, including the lighting of Advent candles, prayer, and reflection.

In a broader sense, advent can also denote the onset of any important event or era, such as the advent of technology or a new age in history.

The four weeks of Advent

The first week – Awaiting – HOPE
The second week – Awaiting – PREPARATION
The third week – Awaiting – JOY
The fourth week – Awaiting – SALVATION


The advent wreath


Meaning of the advent wreaths

Let us rejoice and prepare!

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  1. Fleeky
  2. Pentrental
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