The casting of Jesus

The casting of Jesus
The moment when Jesus is being mocked and rejected during His Passion, symbolizing the casting of stones, slander, and rejection by those who opposed Him. The image conveys the deep spiritual struggle and the profound act of sacrifice, with a contrast between the dark forces surrounding Him and the soft light of divine mercy and righteousness emanating from Jesus.

The casting of Jesus

The casting of Jesus. We can, in a sense, understand the passion of crist with the casting of stones and the spitting as the devil casting the righteous one in slander, lies and sacrifice

Yes, the events of the Passion of Christ can indeed be understood in this symbolic way. The casting of stones, spitting, and other acts of mockery and violence against Jesus during His Passion can be seen as manifestations of the forces of evil—embodied by those who opposed Him—casting slander, lies, and ultimately trying to destroy the Righteous One. This interpretation aligns with the broader theological understanding of Jesus’ suffering and sacrifice as a confrontation with and triumph over the powers of sin, evil, and death. Let’s look into this idea more deeply.


1. The Passion of Christ is a Confrontation with Evil

The Passion of Christ, which includes His arrest, trial, suffering, and crucifixion, represents the culmination of the conflict between good and evil. Throughout His ministry, Jesus confronted the forces of evil—whether through healing, exorcism, or teaching truth against falsehood. His Passion is the ultimate test, where these forces are fully unleashed against Him.

A. The Casting of Stones as Symbolic of Slander and Lies

  • Physical and Verbal Attacks: During His trial and crucifixion, Jesus faced not only physical violence but also verbal abuse. The acts of spitting, mocking, and shouting false accusations at Jesus can be seen as symbolic “stones” being cast at Him. These are not just physical acts of aggression but also represent the spiritual and moral corruption of those who reject the truth.
  • Slander and False Witness: The trial of Jesus was marked by false testimony and slander. The religious leaders sought false witnesses to condemn Him, and the crowd was manipulated into choosing Barabbas, a criminal, over Jesus. This can be seen as the “casting of stones” in a metaphorical sense—using lies and deceit to condemn the innocent.
  • Jesus as the Righteous One: In this context, Jesus is the Righteous One, unjustly accused and condemned. The stones of slander, lies, and mockery are cast at Him by those who refuse to see the truth, symbolizing the world’s rejection of God’s righteousness.

B. Spitting and Mockery as Symbols of Ultimate Rejection

  • Spitting as Contempt: In many cultures, spitting on someone is a sign of deep contempt and rejection. During the Passion, Jesus was spat upon by His tormentors, symbolizing not just physical abuse but the complete rejection of His identity and mission as the Son of God.
  • Mockery of His Kingship: The mocking of Jesus as “King of the Jews,” complete with a crown of thorns and a purple robe, was a deliberate attempt to humiliate and belittle Him. This mockery reflects the devil’s attempt to undermine Jesus’ divine authority and mission, casting doubt and scorn upon His rightful kingship.

2. The Passion as Sacrifice and Triumph Over Evil

A. The Sacrifice of the Righteous One

  • Jesus as the Ultimate Sacrifice: Jesus’ Passion and crucifixion are the ultimate expression of sacrifice. Just as the righteous in the Old Testament were often persecuted and falsely accused, Jesus embodies the fulfillment of these types, offering Himself willingly as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.
  • Overcoming Slander with Truth: Despite the slander and lies cast against Him, Jesus remained steadfast in truth. His silence before His accusers (Matthew 26:63) and His forgiveness from the cross (“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do“—Luke 23:34) reveal His commitment to righteousness, even in the face of profound injustice.

B. The Triumph Over Evil

  • Victory Through Sacrifice: The devil’s casting of slander, lies, and violence at Jesus was intended to destroy Him, but instead, it led to the ultimate victory over sin and death. The cross, a symbol of shame and defeat, becomes the symbol of victory and redemption.
  • The Defeat of Evil: In the Resurrection, Jesus triumphs over the forces of evil. The stones cast in slander and the spitting in contempt are rendered powerless in the face of the resurrection. The Righteous One is vindicated, and the lies and slander of the devil are exposed and defeated.

3. Understanding the Passion in Light of the Stones of Judgment

A. The Cross as the Final Altar

  • The Cross and the Stone Altar: The cross can be seen as the final altar where the ultimate sacrifice is made. The “stones” cast at Jesus—both literal and metaphorical—are part of the process leading to this sacrifice. Just as the stones of the altar were used to make offerings to God, the rejection and suffering of Christ become the means through which the ultimate offering is made.
  • Transformation of Judgment: The Passion transforms the concept of judgment. What was intended as judgment against Jesus becomes the means of salvation for humanity. The judgment cast by the world is turned on its head as Jesus’ death becomes the source of grace and mercy.

B. The Role of Believers

  • Bearing Witness to the Truth: Believers are called to stand firm in the truth, even when faced with slander, lies, or persecution. Just as Jesus endured the casting of stones and the spitting, Christians are called to bear witness to righteousness, knowing that the ultimate victory belongs to Christ.
  • Participation in the Sacrifice: Through faith, believers participate in the sacrifice of Christ. The stones cast at them—whether in the form of persecution, mockery, or rejection—are opportunities to share in the sufferings of Christ and to witness to the power of His resurrection.

The Passion as the Ultimate Confrontation and Victory

The Passion of Christ can indeed be understood as a profound confrontation with the forces of evil, where the casting of stones and the spitting symbolize the devil’s attempt to destroy the Righteous One through slander, lies, and violence. However, through His willing sacrifice, Jesus transforms these acts of rejection into the means of salvation.

In this light, the stones of judgment become symbols of the world’s rejection of God’s righteousness, but also of the triumph of that righteousness through the cross. Jesus’ endurance and ultimate victory over these attacks provide a powerful model for believers, encouraging them to remain steadfast in truth and to trust in the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice.

The stones of judgement become rejection of God and Christ!

And where it gets terrible, is when the innocent is persecuted, condemned and killed. A work of evil! Even today in all layers of society.

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