The apparitions of Our Lady of Banneux in Belgium

The apparitions of Our Lady of Banneux in Belgium. The blessed Virgin of the Poor
The apparitions of Our Lady of Banneux in Belgium. The blessed Virgin of the Poor

The apparitions of Our Lady of Banneux in Belgium

The Blessed Virgin of the Poor

The apparitions of Our Lady of Banneux took place in the small village of Banneux, Belgium, from January 15 to March 2, 1933. The events began when an 11-year-old girl named Mariette Beco reported a series of encounters with the Virgin Mary near a small spring in her family’s garden.

According to Mariette’s accounts, the Virgin Mary appeared to her in a white robe with a blue sash and a transparent veil. The lady identified herself as the “Virgin of the Poor” and conveyed messages of prayer, penance, and compassion.

Throughout the apparitions, Mariette experienced various manifestations, including the appearance of a spring that was said to possess healing properties. Numerous witnesses, including family members, neighbors, and visitors, attested to the authenticity of Mariette’s encounters and reported witnessing miracles and conversions.

The messages conveyed by the Virgin Mary at Banneux emphasized the importance of prayer, particularly the recitation of the Rosary, and the need for conversion and acts of charity. She called for a chapel to be built at the site, which would become a place of pilgrimage and healing for all people, especially the suffering and the poor.

The apparitions gained attention and drew crowds of pilgrims who sought solace, healing, and spiritual guidance. Despite initial skepticism and challenges, Mariette’s sincerity and the impact of the reported miracles prompted a thorough investigation by the Catholic Church.

In 1949, after careful examination of the events and messages, the apparitions of Our Lady of Banneux were officially recognized by the Catholic Church as worthy of belief. The local bishop, Bishop Louis-Joseph Kerkhofs of Liège, approved the veneration of Our Lady of Banneux and encouraged the faithful to visit the site.

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Banneux was established, and a chapel was built to honor the Virgin Mary. The site has since become a place of pilgrimage, attracting people from all over the world who come to seek spiritual comfort, pray for healing, and pay homage to Our Lady of Banneux.

The messages of Our Lady of Banneux continue to inspire devotion and emphasize the importance of faith, prayer, and acts of love and mercy. The site stands as a reminder of the Virgin Mary’s care for the poor, the suffering, and those in need, and serves as a beacon of hope and consolation for all who visit.


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the Blessed Virgin of the Poor
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