Our Lady of La Salette

Our Lady of La Salette
Statue of Virgin Mary weeping next to the Basilica of Our Lady of La Salette in Debowiec in Poland

Our Lady of La Salette


Our Lady appeared
In La Salette
the french Alps

The sun her mantle

Her words
The first
On french soil

‘Come nearer my children’

And listen…

A call for conversion
And reconciliation

The true following of her Son
In humility, service and virtue
Anchored in the message of salvation

Be faithful


Shrine of Notre dame de la Salette

Missionaries of La Salette


A humble prayer


Our Lady of La Salette,
true mother of Sorrows,
the tears you shed for us on Calvary.

also the care you have taken to keep us faithful to Christ, your Son.
Having done so much for your children,
you will not now abandon us.

Comforted by this consoling thought,
we come to you pleading,
despite our infidelities and ingratitude.

Virgin of Reconciliation,
do not reject our prayers, but intercede for us,
obtain for us the grace to love Jesus above all else.

May we console you by living a holy life
and so come to share the eternal life Christ gained by His cross.

Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in the french Alls
Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in the french Alps

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  1. Diane Marie Watson

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