The Labyrinth of Reims

The Labyrinth of Reims, a masterpiece from the Middle Ages. Unknkwn to many, a path of initiation
The Labyrinth of Reims

The Labyrinth of Reims

Reims, the Oldest cathedral in France
Build by Clovis
King of the Franks

In its heart beated
A beautifull labyrint
With five man

An asynchrone

A labyrinth
Lesser known
Than the labyrinth of Chartres

A journey
Into Mystery
And Self

Octagonal in shape
It was Destroyed
By ignorance and hate

Ancient image of the labyrinth of Reims (France)

Destroyed by the severe gaze of Enlightment
toward what the educated percieved
as a symbol of superstition…
As a relic of irrational times…

16th century – drawing – G.Garitan

Français : Relevé du labyrinthe du XVIe siècle.
Date XVIe
Source Cellier dessin du XVIe siècle.
Auteur G.Garitan

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Medieval studies 

Clovis, the Frank

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