The Shepherd of Hermas

The Shepherd of Hermas
The Shepherd of Hermas

The Shepherd of Hermas

The Shepherd of Hermas is a Christian literary work of the late 1st or mid-2nd century, considered as part of the collection of the Apostolic Fathers. It consists of five visions, twelve mandates (or commandments), and ten similitudes (or parables). The text is quite extensive, so here is a summary of its structure and a few excerpts to provide a sense of its content.

Structure of The Shepherd of Hermas

  1. Visions
    • Vision 1: Introduction and the appearance of the Church as an old woman.
    • Vision 2: The Church’s instruction on repentance.
    • Vision 3: The Church as a young woman and the coming tribulation.
    • Vision 4: The Church as a middle-aged woman and the coming of the angels.
    • Vision 5: The Church as a bride and the building of the tower.
  2. Mandates (Commandments)
    • Mandate 1: Believe in God.
    • Mandate 2: Avoid evil and do good.
    • Mandate 3: Love truth and avoid falsehood.
    • Mandate 4: Preserve purity.
    • Mandate 5: Be patient and understanding.
    • Mandate 6: Recognize the works of the Lord.
    • Mandate 7: Fear God but not the devil.
    • Mandate 8: Have a pure and simple heart.
    • Mandate 9: Pray to God without ceasing.
    • Mandate 10: Avoid sorrow.
    • Mandate 11: Test the spirits.
    • Mandate 12: Guard against evil desire.
  3. Similitudes (Parables)
    • Similitude 1: The vineyard and the servants.
    • Similitude 2: The elm tree and the vine.
    • Similitude 3: The trees in winter and summer.
    • Similitude 4: The chaste woman.
    • Similitude 5: The great tree.
    • Similitude 6: The two shepherds.
    • Similitude 7: The black and white stones.
    • Similitude 8: The tower built on the waters.
    • Similitude 9: The willow tree.
    • Similitude 10: The punishments and rewards.

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Excerpts from The Shepherd of Hermas

Vision 1

I saw a mighty tower being built upon the waters, made of bright square stones. The tower had six stories, and it was built with great speed. And in the vision, the old woman, who is the Church, came to me and said, ‘Do you see this great building? This is the Church, which is being built upon the waters. It is you, who are the stones. You who have repented and followed the commandments are the stones that make up this tower.'”

Mandate 1: Believe in God

First of all, believe that God is one and that He created all things and made them out of nothing. He contains all things, but He alone is uncontained. Have faith in Him, and fear Him, and keep His commandments.”

Mandate 2: Avoid Evil and Do Good

Flee from evil and do good. Do not engage in idle talk or gossip, for these lead to the path of death. Instead, speak truthfully, do good deeds, and walk in the way of righteousness.”

Similitude 8: The Tower Built on the Waters

The tower you see being built on the waters represents the Church, which is built on faith through baptism. The waters are the waters of baptism. The building of the tower is ongoing because the Church continues to grow as more souls are saved and added to it.”


The Shepherd of Hermas emphasizes themes of repentance, ethical living, and preparation for the end times. It was highly regarded in some early Christian communities and was even considered scripture by some early Christians. However, it was eventually excluded from the New Testament canon but remains an important document for understanding early Christian beliefs and practices.

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