Armenian Prayer Beads

Armenian Prayer Beads
Armenian prayer beads in a serene prayer setting, capturing the essence of calm and spirituality. 

Armenian Prayer Beads

Origins and Practice

Armenian prayer beads, often referred to as Nerkarats or Khorhoort khach, are a traditional tool used in prayer and meditation within the Armenian Apostolic Church. While they are not as commonly known or used as the rosary in Catholicism or the komboskini in Eastern Orthodoxy, they hold significant spiritual value in Armenian Christian practice.

Origins of Armenian Prayer Beads

The use of prayer beads in Christianity dates back to the early centuries of the faith, with variations appearing in different traditions. The Armenian prayer beads are believed to have been influenced by the prayer practices of early Christian monks and ascetics who used beads or knotted ropes to keep track of their prayers and meditations.

Structure of Armenian Prayer Beads

Armenian prayer beads typically consist of a series of beads arranged in a loop. The number of beads can vary, but a common configuration includes 33 beads, symbolizing the years of Christ’s earthly life. The beads are often made of wood, stone, or other natural materials, and are sometimes adorned with a small cross or religious medal.

How to Pray with Armenian Prayer Beads

The prayer beads are used to count repetitions of specific prayers, allowing the faithful to focus their minds and hearts on God. Here is a general guide to praying with Armenian prayer beads:

Preparatory Prayer

Before starting the prayer, it is customary to begin with a preparatory prayer, asking for God’s guidance and blessing.

The Lord’s Prayer (Hayr Mer)

The Lord’s Prayer, known as the “Hayr Mer” in Armenian, is a central part of Armenian Christian prayer. Begin by reciting the Lord’s Prayer:

Հայր մեր, որ յերկինս ես,
սուրբ եղիցի անուն քո:
Եկեսցէ արքայութիւն քո:
Եղիցին կամք քո,
որպէս յերկինս եւ յերկրի:
Զհաց մեր հանապազորդ տո՛ւր մեզ այսօր:
Եւ թող մեզ զպարտիս մեր,
որպէս եւ մենք թողումք մերոց պարտապանաց:
Եւ մի տանիր զմեզ ի փորձութիւն,
այլ փրկեա զմեզ ի չարէն:

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

Repetition of Short Prayers or Psalms

Using the beads, move from one bead to the next with each repetition of a short prayer or psalm verse. Common prayers include the Jesus Prayer, psalms, or specific Armenian prayers such as:

  • The Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
  • Short Psalms: Verses from the Book of Psalms, such as Psalm 51 (Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your steadfast love).

Meditation and Reflection

As you move through the beads, focus on the meaning of the prayers and the presence of God. This practice helps to deepen your spiritual connection and foster inner peace.

Closing Prayer

Conclude the prayer session with a closing prayer, expressing gratitude and seeking further guidance and protection.

We give thanks to You, O God, for Your goodness and mercy. Guide us in Your truth and strengthen our hearts in faith. Amen.


Significance of Armenian Prayer Beads

The use of prayer beads in Armenian Christian practice serves several purposes:

  • Focus and Concentration: The tactile nature of the beads helps the faithful to maintain focus during prayer, reducing distractions and enhancing spiritual concentration.
  • Consistency in Prayer: By providing a structure for repetitive prayers, the beads encourage regular and disciplined prayer habits.
  • Meditative Practice: The repetitive nature of the prayers, combined with the physical act of moving the beads, fosters a meditative state, promoting inner peace and spiritual reflection.


Armenian prayer beads are a meaningful tool for enhancing prayer and meditation within the Armenian Apostolic Church. While not as widely recognized as similar practices in other Christian traditions, they offer a rich and spiritually enriching way to connect with God, deepen faith, and affirm Armenian Christian identity. Through the regular use of these prayer beads, the faithful can cultivate a more focused, consistent, and meditative prayer life.

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