Longing for God – song and lyrics

Longing for God
Longing for God

Longing for God – song and Lyrics

longing for God – a song

In the quiet depths of my yearning soul,
A whisper stirs, a call to be whole.
A light unseen, yet deeply felt,
A flame within where mysteries dwelt.

O Infinite Love, O Boundless Grace,
I seek Your presence, I crave Your face.
Through shadowed paths, through winds that roar,
I long for You, my heart’s true shore.

The world’s bright luster fades to dim,
Its songs fall silent, save Your hymn.
The ache within, this sacred pain,
It draws me near, through loss and gain.

I thirst for streams of eternal peace,
Where strife shall end, where wars shall cease.
Yet even now, in the waiting night,
Your gentle whispers ignite my light.

Each star that pierces the velvet sky,
Each leaf that quivers, each breath, each sigh,
Proclaims a truth my spirit knows:
In seeking You, my being grows.

O Holy One, in the silence speak,
I am but dust, yet it’s You I seek.
Fill this longing with Your embrace,
And lead me home to Your radiant face.

Though earthly trials may cloud my way,
Your love sustains, Your hope holds sway.
Until at last, I rest above,
Fulfilled in You, O God of Love.

O Holy One, in silence speak,
it’s You I seek.

Longing for God

©️ song and lyrics MiBeeb

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