Presentation of Mary in the Temple

Presentation of mary in the temple of Jerusalem. A life of prayer and devotion since she was a child.
Presentation of Mary in the Temple, fresco painting

Presentation of Mary

A feast dear
To both Orthodoxs
And Catholics

According to tradition
Mary came to live
in the temple at young age

Her life was one of devotion
Consecrated to the divine office
And a service of worship

listen and understand

What is the feast of the Presentation of Mary

The Feast of the Presentation of Mary, also known as the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is a liturgical celebration in both the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. It commemorates the presentation of the Virgin Mary to the Temple in Jerusalem, a tradition that highlights her dedication to God from an early age.

Historical Background

The feast is rooted in an apocryphal text known as the Protoevangelium of James, which depicts Mary’s parents, Saints Joachim and Anne, bringing her to the Temple as a child. This event symbolizes Mary’s purity and her special role in salvation history as the mother of Jesus.

Date of the Feast

The Feast of the Presentation of Mary is celebrated on November 21 in both the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic calendars.

Celebration in the Eastern Orthodox Church

Liturgical Services: The Eastern Orthodox Churches celebrate this feast with a Divine Liturgy, which may include special hymns, readings, and prayers emphasizing Mary’s role and significance. The liturgy is often enriched with specific rituals that reflect the themes of purity and dedication.

Special Hymns: Traditional hymns, such as the Apolytikion and Kontakion, are sung, highlighting Mary’s presentation and the joy it brings to the Church.

Devotional Practices: Many Orthodox Christians may also engage in personal prayers, fasting, and other devotional activities leading up to the feast.

Celebration in the Roman Catholic Church

Mass and Liturgical Observances: Roman Catholics celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Mary with a special Mass that includes readings and prayers focusing on the themes of Mary’s dedication and her example of faith.

Ceremonies and Devotions: Some parishes might hold additional ceremonies, such as the blessing of candles, which symbolizes Jesus as the Light of the World, and reflects Mary’s role as the bearer of Christ.

Public and Private Devotions: The day may be marked by various forms of devotion, including the recitation of the Rosary or other Marian prayers.

Themes and Significance

The Feast of the Presentation of Mary emphasizes the importance of Mary’s role in the Christian faith. It reflects themes of dedication, purity, and the virtues of faith and humility. Both traditions honor Mary’s exemplary life and her unique place in the story of salvation.

Overall, the Feast of the Presentation of Mary serves both as a day of remembrance and a call for believers to emulate Mary’s faith and dedication in their own lives.

More to read

Poem of the God-man by Maria Valtorta with a beautiful description of the Presentation of Mary.

Special prayers for the Presentation of Mary in the Temple

The Presentation of Mary in the Temple, celebrated on November 21 in the Christian liturgical calendar, commemorates the moment when Mary was presented in the Temple in Jerusalem as a young child. This feast highlights Mary’s dedication to God and her role in the history of salvation. Here are some special prayers you can consider for this occasion:

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, as we celebrate the Presentation of Mary in the Temple, we thank You for the gift of Your mother, who was dedicated to You from her earliest days. Grant that we may follow her example of faith and commitment. May we, like Mary, be open to Your will in our lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication

Mary, Mother of God, you were presented in the Temple as a sign of your total consecration to God. Help us to dedicate our lives to Him. May we, too, grow in holiness and love, following your example of purity and faith. Amen.

Prayer for Families

Lord Jesus, we ask you to bless all families, especially those who strive to nurture their children in faith. Through the intercession of Mary, may all parents recognize the importance of presenting their children to You and raising them in Your ways. Help our families grow in love and unity. Amen.

Prayer for Purity and Faith

Dear Mary, you were filled with grace from the moment of your conception. Intercede for us, that we may live a life of purity and faith. Help us to be open to the Holy Spirit in our lives, just as you were open to God’s call. Amen.

Closing Prayer

Almighty God, as we celebrate the Presentation of Mary, may we be inspired by her example to live lives of service and faithfulness. May our hearts be temples of Your presence, reflecting your light and love to the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Let us pray together for the little children and their parents

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