The ice saints

The ice saints
Sint Servaas bridge in Maastricht in the Netherlands

The ice saints

In our Northern hemisphere
The winter lasts long…

And planting starts
After the feasts of the ice saints

Who are they?
Where do they come from?
Where did they live?
What did they do?

The ice saints are :
Saint Mamet of Vienne in France
Saint Pancras of Rome
Saint Servais of Maastricht in the Netherlands
And saint Boniface of Rome

We celebrate their feasts
From 11 may – 14 may
In remembrance of their life.

Saint Mamet bishop of Vienne in France +477

Defender of the poor, he was opposed to an elite church

He started the days of the cross.
Three days of prayers and processions before
The feast of ascension of the Lord
A prayer for salvation and deliverance of evil!
A tradition still alive in many parts of Europe

In Bretagne, he is seen as a healing saint.
And represented with intestines.

His feast is celebrated on 11 may
Saint Mamet pray for us.

Saint Pancras of Rome died as martyr in 303.

The San Pancrazio in Rome was build on the place of his execution.
As young orphan, he was raised by his uncle in Rome
And destined to a military career.
When he saw the atrocities committed against Christians
He decided to become one and was baptized.
Betrayed, he was asked to forsake his belief.
But he did not. He was killed only 14 years old.

Patron saint of the communicants,
He is also implored for help in fraudulent legal issues.
And invoked against headaches.
One of the fourteen helpers.

His feast is celebrated on 12 may
Saint Pancras pray for us.

Saint Servais, first bishop of Maastricht + 384.

He opposed Arianism and predicted the invasion of the Huns.

He is invoked for bones, skin and paralysis.
And implored against fear of death.

His feast is celebrated on 13 may
Saint Servais pray for us.

Saint Boniface from Tarsus died as martyr in 307.

He and his companion Aglaia decided to quit an earthly and sinful life.
And Boniface was sent to collect relics from early christian martyrs.
Confronted with the cruel tortures imposed on christians
He declared to be a christian and was cruelly martyred.
His body rests in Rome in the Church of saint Bonifacio and Alessio.

His feast is celebrated on 14 may
Saint Boniface pray for us.

Let us pray for the farmers and all those who care for mother Earth and protect her

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