Fake Marian apparitions and spirituality

Fake Marian apparitions and spirituality
Fake Marian apparitions and spirituality

Fake Marian apparitions and spirituality

Fake Marian apparitions refer to instances where individuals or groups claim to have experienced a vision or appearance of the Virgin Mary that is later determined to be false or not of supernatural origin. The Catholic Church takes the matter of Marian apparitions very seriously, conducting thorough investigations to determine their authenticity. Here are some key points to understand about fake apparitions:

  1. Investigation Process: The Church follows a detailed process to evaluate apparitions, looking for signs of supernatural origin, consistency with Catholic doctrine, and the spiritual fruits of the apparitions. This includes examining the visionary’s life, the content of the messages, and any associated miracles or healings.
  2. Criteria for Authenticity: For an apparition to be considered authentic, it must align with Scripture and Church teachings, lead to a deeper faith and conversion, and demonstrate supernatural qualities that cannot be explained by natural means.
  3. Common Reasons for Rejection: Apparitions may be deemed false if they contain doctrinal errors, incite disobedience to the Church, show signs of fabrication or psychological issues, or if the messages contradict previously approved apparitions.
  4. Notable Fake Apparitions:
    • Necedah, Wisconsin (USA): Claims of apparitions in the 1950s were rejected by the Church due to doctrinal inconsistencies and lack of credible evidence.
    • Bayside, New York (USA): Alleged apparitions starting in the 1970s were condemned because the messages contained theological errors and led to schismatic behavior.
  5. Impact of Fake Apparitions: False claims can lead to confusion, division, and loss of faith among the faithful. They can also detract from genuine apparitions and the messages they convey.
  6. Role of the Faithful: Believers are encouraged to approach alleged apparitions with caution, relying on the Church’s discernment and guidance. Personal devotion should always be rooted in authentic teachings and practices.

In dealing with claims of apparitions, it’s crucial for the faithful to seek guidance from legitimate Church authorities and spiritual advisors to navigate these complex matters.

Discerning genuine spiritual experiences and visions

Discerning genuine spiritual experiences and visions from false ones requires a careful and thoughtful approach. Here are some guidelines to help in the discernment process:

1. Alignment with Scripture and Church Teaching

  • Consistency: Authentic experiences should be consistent with the teachings of the Bible and the doctrines of the Church. Any message or vision that contradicts established Church teachings is likely false.
  • Orthodoxy: True spiritual experiences should reinforce the central tenets of the faith, such as the divinity of Christ, the Trinity, and the sacraments.

2. Fruits of the Spirit

  • Positive Impact: Genuine experiences typically lead to an increase in faith, hope, charity, humility, and other virtues. They should inspire a deeper love for God and neighbor.
  • Long-term Effects: Look for sustained positive changes in behavior and spirituality over time, rather than fleeting emotional highs.

3. Psychological and Emotional Stability

  • Mental Health: Ensure that the person having the experience is psychologically stable. Sometimes, mental health issues can manifest as visionary experiences.
  • Peace and Calm: True experiences often bring a sense of peace, even if the message is challenging. Anxiety, confusion, or disturbance can be signs of a false experience.

4. Obedience to the Church

  • Submission to Authority: Genuine visions and experiences should foster obedience to Church authority. Apparitions that encourage disobedience or schism are suspect.
  • Seeking Guidance: Authentic experiences often lead individuals to seek spiritual direction and guidance from a priest or spiritual advisor.

5. Lack of Self-Glorification

  • Humility: True experiences usually promote humility rather than personal glory. The visionary should not seek fame, wealth, or power from their experience.
  • Self-Examination: Be wary of those who frequently publicize their experiences or claim to have special status because of them.

6. Examination by the Church

  • Church Investigation: The Church has established processes to investigate and validate spiritual experiences. Seek the Church’s discernment and wait for its official judgment.
  • Community Confirmation: Experiences that are confirmed and supported by a faith community, especially under the guidance of the Church, are more likely to be genuine.

7. Prayer and Discernment

  • Prayer for Wisdom: Regularly pray for wisdom and discernment to understand the true nature of the experience.
  • Spiritual Discernment: Engage in practices like the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, which help individuals discern God’s will in their lives.

8. Miraculous Signs and Wonders

  • Authentic Miracles: True spiritual experiences sometimes are accompanied by miracles or signs that defy natural explanations and are validated by the Church.
  • Avoid Sensationalism: Be cautious of experiences that rely heavily on sensational or extraordinary claims without verifiable evidence.


While it’s important to approach these experiences with an open heart, it’s equally crucial to use reason, Church teachings, and the guidance of spiritual leaders to discern their authenticity. Trusting in the wisdom of the Church and seeking a balanced approach can help ensure that genuine spiritual experiences are recognized and false ones are set aside.

Fake Marian apparitions and spirituality
A fake spiritual experience, with exaggerated poses, artificial mystical symbols, and a theatrical setting.

Commercial exploitation

Commercial exploitation is a significant red flag when discerning the authenticity of spiritual experiences and apparitions. Here are some key indicators related to money-making that suggest a spiritual experience may be false:

Indicators of Commercial Exploitation

  1. Monetary Charges:
    • Admission Fees: Charging for entry to sites where visions or apparitions are claimed.
    • Paid Events: Organizing events, talks, or pilgrimages with high fees associated.
  2. Merchandising:
    • Selling Relics or Souvenirs: Offering items purported to be blessed or connected to the apparition for profit.
    • Media Sales: Excessive promotion of books, DVDs, or other media by the visionary or their associates.
  3. Fundraising Campaigns:
    • Donation Requests: Persistent or aggressive requests for donations, especially if linked to promises of blessings or miracles.
    • Building Projects: Collecting large sums for elaborate projects without clear or transparent purposes.
  4. Lack of Financial Transparency:
    • Opaque Financial Practices: No clear accounting for how money collected is used, raising suspicions about personal enrichment.
  5. Extravagant Lifestyles:
    • Visionary Wealth: The visionary or their close associates living in luxury or showing significant financial gain.

Additional Signs of False Spiritual Experiences

  1. Focus on Sensationalism:
    • Spectacle Over Substance: Emphasis on dramatic, attention-grabbing phenomena rather than spiritual depth.
  2. Contradiction with Doctrine:
    • Doctrinal Errors: Messages that contradict established Church teachings or Scripture.
  3. Encouraging Disobedience:
    • Undermining Authority: Claims that lead to disobedience to Church authorities or promote schism.

Discerning Authentic Experiences

  • Spiritual Fruits: Genuine experiences typically lead to deeper faith, humility, and positive spiritual growth.
  • Church Approval: Awaiting official Church investigation and approval before accepting an experience as authentic.
  • Humble Presentation: Authentic visionaries often exhibit humility, avoiding self-promotion or financial gain.


Approaching spiritual experiences with discernment, especially being wary of commercial exploitation, helps protect the faithful from deception and ensures focus on genuine spiritual growth and authentic divine messages.

Online resources 

There are several online resources and platforms that provide information and warnings about false apparitions and dubious spiritual experiences. While there’s no official “blacklist,” the following resources are reliable for understanding and discerning false claims:

Official Church Documents and Websites

  1. Vatican Website:
    • The Vatican occasionally publishes documents and statements regarding specific apparitions and their authenticity.
    • Websitevatican.va
  2. Diocesan Websites:
    • Local dioceses often release statements regarding apparitions and spiritual experiences within their jurisdiction. These statements can be found on their official websites.
    • Example: The Diocese of Cleveland has a page dedicated to the Holy Love apparitions.

Catholic Apologetics and Information Sites

  1. EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network):
    • EWTN provides a wealth of resources on Marian apparitions, including articles, videos, and expert discussions on discerning true from false apparitions.
    • Websiteewtn.com
  2. Catholic Answers:
    • This site offers articles and forums where experts discuss various apparitions, their authenticity, and the Church’s stance on them.
    • Websitecatholic.com
  3. Miracle Hunter:
    • A comprehensive resource dedicated to the study of Marian apparitions, miracles, and other supernatural phenomena. It includes a list of approved and unapproved apparitions.
    • Websitemiraclehunter.com

Books and Publications

  1. A Still Small Voice: A Practical Guide on Reported Revelations” by Fr. Benedict Groeschel:
    • This book offers practical advice on discerning private revelations and includes criteria for evaluating their authenticity.
  2. The Encyclopedia of Miracles: Sacred Heart: An A-Z Guide to Miraculous Occurrences” by Michael O’Neill:
    • This book includes entries on various apparitions and their statuses, providing insights into approved and unapproved cases.

Catholic Media and Periodicals

  1. National Catholic Register:
    • This publication frequently covers news related to apparitions and includes expert analysis and Church statements.
    • Websitencregister.com
  2. Catholic News Agency (CNA):
    • CNA provides news and analysis on a wide range of topics, including Marian apparitions and Church investigations.
    • Websitecatholicnewsagency.com

Online Communities and Forums

  1. Catholic Answers Forums:
    • These forums allow for discussion and inquiry about specific apparitions and spiritual experiences, with input from knowledgeable Catholics.
    • Websiteforums.catholic.com
  2. Reddit – r/Catholicism:
    • This subreddit offers a community for discussing Catholic teachings, including topics related to apparitions and private revelations.
    • Websitereddit.com/r/Catholicism


While there isn’t a single comprehensive blacklist, these resources collectively offer extensive information on the discernment of apparitions and spiritual experiences. They help the faithful navigate claims of supernatural events with prudence and adherence to Church teachings.

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