The apparition of Champion

National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, Wisconsin. 
National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, Wisconsin. 

Aka The apparition of Our Lady of Good Help

The apparition of Champion, also known as the apparition of Our Lady of Good Help, occurred in 1859 in Champion, Wisconsin, USA. This event is significant as it is the first Marian apparition in the United States approved by the Catholic Church.

Historical Context

In October 1859, a Belgian immigrant named Adele Brise was walking in the rural area of what is now Champion, Wisconsin. She experienced three apparitions of the Virgin Mary. During these encounters, the Blessed Mother appeared as a radiant woman clothed in white, with a yellow sash around her waist and a crown of stars around her head.

Message and Mission

The central message of the apparitions was a call to prayer, penance, and catechesis. In her third and final appearance, the Virgin Mary instructed Adele to:

  1. Gather Children: “Gather the children in this wild country and teach them what they should know for salvation.
  2. Teach Faith: “Teach them their catechism, how to sign themselves with the Sign of the Cross, and how to approach the sacraments.

Adele Brise devoted her life to this mission, traveling by foot to visit homes and teach children about the Catholic faith. She eventually established a small school and chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Good Help.

Church Approval

On December 8, 2010, Bishop David L. Ricken of the Diocese of Green Bay officially approved the apparitions as worthy of belief. This declaration followed a thorough investigation, including the examination of historical documents and witness testimonies.

Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help

Today, the site of the apparitions is home to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help. Pilgrims visit the shrine to seek spiritual renewal, healing, and to honor the Blessed Mother. The shrine includes a chapel, a crypt where the apparitions took place, and a series of outdoor Stations of the Cross.


The apparition of Champion is significant for several reasons:

  • Catechesis and Education: It emphasizes the importance of religious education, especially for children.
  • First Approved Apparition in the USA: It holds a unique place in American Catholic history.
  • Continued Devotion: The shrine remains an active center of Marian devotion and pilgrimage.

The apparition of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion reminds the faithful of the importance of catechesis, prayer, and the sacraments, continuing to inspire devotion and faith across generations.


A literary portrait of Adele Brise

In the mid-19th century, among the rolling landscapes and dense forests of northeastern Wisconsin, a figure emerged whose simplicity belied her profound spiritual mission. Adele Brise, a Belgian immigrant, carried an unassuming grace that seemed almost ethereal amidst the rugged terrain of her adopted homeland.

Adele’s eyes, deep and contemplative, held the quiet resilience of one accustomed to both the hardships of frontier life and the serene certainties of faith. Her modest attire, often a plain dress covered by a shawl, spoke of a life dedicated to humble service rather than worldly recognition. She moved with a purposeful gentleness, her steps guided by an unseen light that had once enveloped her in the dense woods near Champion.

Born in 1831 in Belgium, Adele was marked by a devout upbringing, nurtured by the deep Marian devotion of her family. This early formation of faith would become the bedrock upon which her later mission was built. Upon immigrating to the United States, Adele and her family settled in the burgeoning community of Robinsonville (later known as Champion), where the promise of a new life awaited amidst the untamed wilderness.

It was in this setting that Adele’s life took a transformative turn. On a crisp October day in 1859, while carrying a sack of wheat to the grist mill, Adele was visited by a luminous figure clothed in dazzling white, a yellow sash at her waist, and a crown of stars encircling her head. This radiant woman, identified by Adele as the Blessed Virgin Mary, imparted a message that would define the rest of her life: “Gather the children in this wild country and teach them what they should know for salvation.”

Adele’s initial hesitation, a natural response to such a divine encounter, soon gave way to a fervent obedience. She embraced the Virgin’s call with unwavering commitment, traversing the rugged terrain on foot to catechize children and families scattered across the vast, sparsely populated area. With each visit, she imparted the fundamentals of the Catholic faith, teaching prayers, catechism, and the sacramental life.

Her gentle voice, filled with conviction and maternal care, resonated deeply with the children she taught. Adele’s own life was a living testament to the virtues she sought to instill: humility, perseverance, and an unshakeable trust in Divine Providence. She often fasted and prayed, offering her own sufferings for the souls she sought to save.

In time, Adele’s mission attracted others who shared her zeal. Together, they established a small school and a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Good Help. The institution became a beacon of faith and education in the wilderness, drawing families from miles around. Adele’s legacy of love and instruction was not confined to mere words; it was embodied in the tangible fruits of a community spiritually and intellectually nurtured by her tireless efforts.

As the years passed, the seeds sown by Adele’s catechetical work blossomed into a thriving community of believers, fortified by the teachings she had so faithfully imparted. Even after her death in 1896, the influence of her quiet, yet profound mission continued to be felt, culminating in the official Church recognition of the apparitions she experienced.

Today, the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help stands as a testament to Adele Brise’s enduring legacy—a humble woman whose extraordinary faith and devotion transformed the spiritual landscape of a fledgling frontier community, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of countless faithful.

This portrait aims to capture the essence of Adele Brise’s life and mission, highlighting her simplicity, faith, and lasting impact on the community she served.

I am the Queen of Heaven, praying dor the conversion of sinners.
And I want you to do the same.

– Our Lady of Champion –

The National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help and its significance for today’s pilgrims

Nestled amid the serene countryside of Champion, Wisconsin, the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help stands as a beacon of faith and hope, its tranquil presence echoing the divine encounter that once transformed this humble patch of earth into sacred ground. The shrine, with its modest yet profound beauty, invites pilgrims from across the globe to step into a space where heaven once touched earth.

The shrine’s white chapel, with its simple yet elegant architecture, rises gracefully against the backdrop of lush fields and gentle woodlands. It is a place where the sacred and the everyday converge, creating an atmosphere of deep spiritual intimacy. Inside, the air is imbued with a palpable sense of peace, each corner whispering the story of Adele Brise and the miraculous apparitions of 1859.

In the crypt, where Adele first encountered the Virgin Mary, soft candlelight casts a warm glow on the walls, illuminating the spot where the Blessed Mother’s radiant presence once stood. Pilgrims kneel in quiet prayer, their hearts open to the same divine guidance that propelled Adele on her mission of catechesis and compassion. The simplicity of the setting belies the profound spiritual resonance that each visitor feels, connecting them to a continuum of faith that spans centuries.

Surrounding the chapel, the carefully tended grounds offer a series of outdoor Stations of the Cross, where pilgrims walk in reflection, tracing the steps of Christ’s Passion. Each station, marked by a rustic wooden cross and a plaque, serves as a moment of meditation, inviting the faithful to unite their own struggles with the suffering and redemption of Jesus. The Rosary Walk, adorned with statues of the Blessed Virgin and other saints, provides a tranquil path for contemplation and prayer, each bead of the rosary echoing the Hail Marys taught by Adele so many years ago.

The significance of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help for today’s pilgrims extends far beyond its historical roots. It is a sanctuary of healing and hope, where the faithful come seeking solace, guidance, and renewal. Many arrive burdened by the weight of life’s trials, yearning for the intercession of the Blessed Mother. In this sacred space, they find a spiritual refuge where prayers are offered, tears are shed, and hearts are lifted.

For those seeking healing, both physical and spiritual, the shrine is a place of profound encounter. The Sacrament of Reconciliation, offered regularly, provides an opportunity for the faithful to experience the mercy and forgiveness of God, unburdening their souls and rekindling their faith. The celebration of the Eucharist, central to the shrine’s spiritual life, draws pilgrims into the mystery of Christ’s presence, uniting them in a communal expression of worship and thanksgiving.

The shrine also serves as a living testament to the power of catechesis and the importance of religious education. Inspired by Adele Brise’s mission, the shrine continues to emphasize the teaching of the Catholic faith, offering programs and resources that deepen the spiritual understanding of pilgrims. Families, educators, and catechists find inspiration in Adele’s story, recognizing the enduring relevance of her message in today’s world.

In a time when many seek meaning and connection, the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help offers a profound reminder of the enduring presence of the Divine. It is a place where the faithful are called to renew their commitment to prayer, penance, and the sacraments, just as Adele was. Each pilgrim leaves the shrine not just as a visitor but as a participant in a continuing story of faith, hope, and love.

Thus, the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help stands as a timeless testament to the power of divine encounter and the enduring call to faith. It is a sacred place where the legacy of Adele Brise continues to inspire, guiding pilgrims on their spiritual journey and drawing them closer to the heart of God.

This portrait aims to capture the essence and significance of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, highlighting its spiritual atmosphere, historical roots, and contemporary relevance for today’s pilgrims.


Online resources

For those interested in learning more about the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, Wisconsin, several valuable online resources are available:

  1. Official Shrine Website: The shrine’s official website provides comprehensive information about the history of the apparitions, Adele Brise’s mission, and the ongoing activities at the shrine. It includes details on planning visits, upcoming events, and the educational resources available for teachers and pilgrims. The website is an excellent starting point for anyone planning a pilgrimage or wanting to understand the shrine’s significance better  (Our Lady of Champion Shrine)  (Our Lady of Champion Shrine) .
  2. Visitor Resources: This section of the shrine’s website offers practical information for pilgrims, including a detailed planning guide, sample itineraries, and tips on local lodging and food options. It also features brochures that outline the shrine’s history and a self-guided tour map to help visitors navigate the grounds  (Our Lady of Champion Shrine) .
  3. Events and Devotions: The shrine hosts various events and devotional activities throughout the year, such as daily Mass, rosary recitations, and Eucharistic Adoration. Special events like Adele Brise Day, celebrated monthly, and relic veneration days are highlighted, providing opportunities for deeper spiritual engagement  (Our Lady of Champion Shrine)  (Our Lady of Champion Shrine) .
  4. Educational Resources: Dedicated to continuing Adele Brise’s mission, the shrine offers educational materials aimed at teaching the Catholic faith. These resources are particularly useful for educators planning school pilgrimages and those interested in learning more about Marian apparitions and catechesis  (Our Lady of Champion Shrine) .
  5. Virtual Tour and Media: For those unable to visit in person, the shrine’s website includes a virtual tour and various videos that bring the experience to life. These resources offer insights into the shrine’s history, the story of Adele Brise, and the spiritual significance of the site  (Our Lady of Champion Shrine) .

You can explore these resources further by visiting the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help official website.

Prayer for the Children of America

O Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Good Help, you appeared to Adele Brise and entrusted her with the mission to teach the children of this land the truths of our holy faith. In your maternal love, we place all the children of America under your protection.

Heavenly Mother, guide our children to grow in wisdom and grace, to know, love, and serve your Son, Jesus Christ. Fill their hearts with the light of your Son’s love and protect them from all harm. Inspire parents, teachers, and catechists to faithfully pass on the treasures of the Catholic faith, just as Adele did with unwavering devotion.

Grant our children the courage to embrace the virtues of humility, purity, and obedience. May they find joy in learning about their faith and strength in living it out daily. Through your intercession, may they grow to be lights of hope and instruments of peace in our world.

O Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, we entrust the future of our children and our nation to your Immaculate Heart. Help them to always stay close to your Son and to seek His will in all things.


May this prayer bring comfort and inspiration, drawing on the legacy of Adele Brise’s mission to educate and nurture the faith of children.

May Our Lady of Good Help guide and bless you! 🙏🏼🤗

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